Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's me again---Julie.
I just have to tell what happened last night.....
I went to a benefit performance at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Milburn, NJ. There must have been over 600 people there. I was a bit late, and most people I knew were waiting in the theater's lobby. Well, I walked in to hear a woman shout, "The SOS lady," and come over to hug me! I didn't know her....but she knew me! Then someone else came over and greeted me with, "Hey, SOS lady!" I can't even tell you how good that made me feel. And how wonderful it is to see the program, all the work of Altie, and Rabbi Mendy, word of SOS---it's out there. And we are making a difference.
One smile at a time!
Love it!
Julie Levine
PS. I don't go ANYWHERE without some SOS brochures!

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