Monday, June 23, 2008

“Ideas to Encourage a Conversation During a Jewish visit”

“Ideas to Encourage a Conversation During a Jewish visit”

Who do you admire….and why?

If you could live someone else’s life for a week, whose life would you choose to live and why?

If you could meet one person from the Bible or from history---who would he/she be?

If you could stand up and fight for one cause, that would make a difference in the world, what would it be?

If G-d were to grant you one wish, prayer, or favor, what would it be?

If you could be any animal on Noah’s ark, which one would you be? Why?

If you could invite anyone in the world to your home for Shabbat, who would it be?

What “Mitzvah” has someone done for you recently?

What “Mitzvah” have you done for someone recently?

Who is your hero and why?

Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right, even though people disagreed with you?

What Jewish food is your favorite? Does it have any special meaning or memory for you?

If you had to choose what things you value most in life, what would they be?

Which individual has most inspired you in your life?

Describe your most memorable Shabbat.

What was your favorite Jewish holiday and why?

What makes you feel happy?

If you could possess one quality that you don’t think you have now, what would it be?

What is the most important thing your parents taught you?

Have you ever been to Israel? If the answer is yes, tell me about it.


Our elderly have so much life experience they can share and wisdom beyond our years.

Let us continue to gain from them as much as they gain from us….

...I do.

Thank you all!

Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz

1 comment:

jhlstyle said...

My name is Julie Levine. I composed the questions involving ideas to encourage a conversation during senior visits and presented the list at an SOS board meeting. Several questions were omitted from the list , by whomever posted them....Many seniors love to talk about the cars they learned to drive on, and get quite animated! Even talking about their pets they had growing up. So, there are many other ideas that were not included in my original list. Let me know if anyone needs the original listing.....