Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Chaplaincy has taught me

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share a little thought that I had about participating in Smile on Seniors.

I originally wrote for my monthly L'chaim! Newsletter. Here goes:

In my job as Chaplain, I spend much time visiting patients in the hospital, meeting Jewish patients and even making house calls to people who can use some company. I was thinking over the past few weeks about how lucky I am that I get to do this.

It is definitely difficult to witness people suffering pain and hardship. However, over the past few months I have learned to look deeper. There is something that everybody has in common. I meet many different types of people. Some are believers, some can’t bring themselves to belief, some are religious and some are against religion.

Despite all the differences people may have, what I have discovered is that everyone shares the same humanity. Everyone has their story, their happiness or sadness, their successes and their shortcomings. Some of us may smile and some of us may frown, but what makes us all really the same is our experiences and aspirations.

I would like to share this very important lesson with you. To look beyond the surface and to see who people really are. To find the friendship and life in all of us.

1 comment:

shiv said...

I like this thought.